Total Vision Eastlake

Myopia Control in
Chula Vista

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Total Myopia Program

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common refractive error that affects lots of children. Myopia causes distant objects to appear blurry and our team screens for myopia in each child’s eye exam. We work with you and explore myopia control methods that can help your kids enjoy clear, healthy vision.

We are also thrilled to announce the “Total Myopia” program!

The Total Myopia medical professionals and their dedicated team employ modern technology to assess, care for, and develop tailored treatment strategies for every patient. These comprehensive strategies include:

  • Customized eye drops, soft multifocal contacts, and overnight lenses
  • A systematic approach with scheduled follow-up appointments to help sustain eye health through consistent medical oversight and management
  • Assessments aligned with the individualized treatment plan for each patient
  • Thorough training on the proper usage, insertion, and removal of contact lenses
  • An ongoing maintenance regimen for effective myopia control, with a focus on achieving lasting results

Helping Eyes Grow Properly

As we grow, so do our eyes. But sometimes, the way our eyes grow can cause vision problems. Myopia is one of the most common vision problems in America, affecting more than 30 million people across the country.

Myopia is a refractive error that affects how the eyes focus on faraway objects. High myopia, which happens when myopia is allowed to progress significantly, may also come with higher risks for potentially severe eye problems.

Most myopia appears before the age of 14 and levels off around age 20 when vision typically stabilizes, but it can also develop in adulthood. A qualified eye doctor can help control myopia in children, and may be able to correct it in adults. Find effective tools and strategies for dealing with myopia today by contacting our practice.

What Causes Myopia?

Myopia generally occurs when the eye grows too long or when the cornea curves too steeply. Either problem can cause light to focus incorrectly, resulting in blurry vision when focusing on faraway objects.

Diagnosing and controlling myopia is particularly critical for children since this refractive error may create problems for them in school. Children who struggle with seeing at a distance may not be able to read the board in class or participate effectively in sports or games. Uncorrected myopia is also sometimes misdiagnosed as ADHD

All of our children’s eye exams include myopia testing. If we find that your child has myopia, we’ll work with you to build a plan for controlling it.

Common Myopia Symptoms

People with myopia may exhibit the following behaviors:

  • Sitting too close to screens (including TVs and laptops)
  • Squinting more than usual
  • Complaining about headaches (caused by eye strain)
  • Having trouble driving at night (for adults with myopia)

Possible Strategies for People with Myopia

Whenever we discover myopia in one of our patients, the eye doctors at Pack & Bianes Optometry Eastlake take measurements to determine the severity of the problem. Then we can recommend a way to deal with it.

We often recommend specialty contact lenses to control myopia in children. These lenses use a principle called myopic defocus to signal the brain to slow eye growth.

Children often find soft contacts easiest to use, but we also offer orthokeratology lenses in some cases. These corneal refractive therapy lenses gradually alter the shape of the eye during sleep so your child can see clearly without glasses the following day.

Adults with myopia who want to correct it permanently may benefit from laser eye surgeries like LASIK and PRK. However, laser eye surgery isn’t an option for children since their eyes are still growing and their vision is changing.

Start Managing Myopia Now

An eye doctor can diagnose myopia early and create a plan to control it before it progresses into high myopia. Please contact us and make an appointment with our practice today.

Check Us Out in Chula Vista

Visit Us

Our practice is located on Eastlake Parkway in Chula Vista, in the Village Walk Medical Arts Center.

  • 890 Eastlake Parkway, Suite 102
  • Chula Vista, CA 91914

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 10:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: 8:30 AM 2:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

Our Services

Adult & Senior Eye Exams

Children’s Eye Exams

Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

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